Covid- The week gone by ( 19th t0 25th Oct) saw the sharpest decline of cases, the cases were down by 16% and death toll down by 19% as compared to earlier week (12th to 18th Oct). This was straight 6 weeks of decline from peak during the week (7th to 13th Sept), which say 6,45,014 cases, and the last saw 3,61, 626 cases. Last week India recorded fatalities, which were just over 4,400 , as compared to 5,455 during earlier week. Deaths also have been on decline for five consecutive weeks since the week (14th to 20th Sept) when death toll was 8,175.
The Kashmiri leaders, who were released after months of house arrest, as usual have started spewing venom against BJP led NDA govt at centre. First it was Farooq Abdullah, who in is interview with Karan Thapar, said so many things against against India and PM Modi. Now Mehbooba Mufti, the ex CM of K & K has also started talking on similar lines. In her latest press after release from detention conference what she said:
1 She called Centre Govt as robbers who had stolen constitutionally guaranteed rights of citizen of J & K.
2 We will not raise India’s national flag, till our state flag is back. The national flag is here in (J &K) because of constitution..
3 She said ‘ I will not contest any election until Article 370 is restored. I have contested election under our own constitution, how can I contest elections when that constitution is abolished.
4 While addressing the press conference she kept only two flags at her desk- J & K Flag and her party’s flag.
5 They want to replace the country’s constitution with BJP’s manifesto.
6 We had acceded to liberal, democratic, secular India. Let me tell them we are not compatible and comfortable with today’s India, where minorities and Dalits are not safe and where they have tried to disrespect us by looting our dignity.
Now these Kashmiri leaders were used to having best of both the words, they used to get all the benefits from India govt , but they never respected the same govt and went on speaking against India for last 7 decades. Now they do not realise it was not Indian constitution which gave then special rights like Article 370 and 35 A, these laws were never passed by Indian Parliament and PM Nehru issued these laws as an Ordinance which was never ratified by the Parliament. The article 370 and 35 A were abolished by Indian Parliament with majority vote, when even MPs from J & K were present and they were part of this debate.
If she does not want to contest under India’s flag and under Indian constitution, then she is herself declaring that she is anti Indian then why action should not be taken against her.
Let all Kashmiri leaders, including the political parties who are having sympathy with them, should realise that the abolishing of both the articles have been passed by Parliament and have been approved by President, it can not be brought back on the demand of some leaders. The present govt has not changed any part of Indian constitution, and they are not changing the Indian democratic structure. Secondly these Kashmiri leaders should remember that they never acceded to India, even their parties whom they represent never existed then. J & K Maharaja Hari Singh reluctantly agreed to accede to India and signed the accession treaty with India when Pakistani kabalis were few miles away from Shrinagar in 1947/48. Sardar Patel forced Nehru to send Indian army to save Kashmir.
Leaders like Farooq Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and others like them, who are MLAs, MPs are taking salaries and other perks like free Bunglows, free air travels, free telephones, free electricity etc etc but they are always speaking against the govt. Now if they do not want to respect Indian flag and Constitution then they must quit all the posts held by them where Indian govt is paying them salary and perks and then talk. But as mentioned earlier these people wants to take all the benefits from Indian govt but do not consider themselves Indian and owe allegiance to Indian Constitution. Till the time Central govt ruled by Congress party and other alliances were pleasing them with all the doles under Article 370 and 35 A ,then all these Kashmiri leaders were happy with Central Govt. These leaders are very opportunistic , they all have collaborated with all the central govts till 2014, remember Farooq Abdullah was even Cabinet minister in Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA govt , and Mehbooba ‘s father was Home minister in alliance led by VP Singh. But they all are now spewing venom against PM Modi because he has put the end to their bread and butter, with whom they could enjoy the stylish life which they have been used to, for last so many decades.
These leaders had the guts to challenge all the central govts that they can not abolish Article 370 and 35A and if they do it will have serious international repercussion on India . Now nothing of that sort has happened in last 14 months. Even so many Islamic nations did not gave support to these leaders after 370 and 35 A were abolished saying that it is India’s internal issue, except for Pakistan and Turkey.
So these leaders after coming out of detention, are trying to save their own face, so they have started to incite the Kashmiri citizens. Otherwise except for certain parts of Kashmir region, people from Jammu and Ladhak regions are very happy with govt’s decision.
Waiting for your comments/feed backs/views on this blog.
Anil Malik
Mumbai, India
26th October 2020.
R. N. Mungale.
Kovid19 is declining.
Kashmiri leaders like Faruk Abdullah & Mehbooba are very opportunists.