Daily Happenings Blog

True Personality

Friends, did you know there are things that can reveal your TRUE PERSONALITY in an instant? They are little things you should look out for!

Here are few key little things to think about:

1 How open you are to new ideas

Suppose you go to restaurant, and without opening menu you say I know what I like and will order the same. In other words, you want to say, I like to stick to what I know and what I like. What does this mean? It means that you are not willing to try some new preparation. This only means that you are not open to new ideas. You never know if you had tried some new dish/preparation, it might have been even better than what you usually have. Open-mindedness is an amazing lens that makes the world appear more vibrant and filled with possibilities.

2 What your spending habits look like

Your spending habits will reveal a lot about your personality. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of spending habits-

  • People who make lists and take time to deliberate over purchases.
  • People who spontaneously buy and do not think about the consequences.

Spending habits give a reflection of what you think. People who are organized take time to do things, whereas there are people who prefer to do things spontaneously, without thinking about how it might affect them financially and socially. Spontaneous people will be more likely to say yes to something, while organized people will deliberate over and then say yes or no.

3 How well you keep promise to yourself

A little thing that will reveal your true personality is how well you keep promise to yourself. It indicates your level of sticking to your word. Simply put, if you say you are going to do something, do you do it? There definitely must have been times in your life where you have said I am going to do something, and I have not done it. When this happens, you might have seen your confidence shaking. So when you promise to do something, please do the same. For this, you must start with giving promise for small task which you know you can complete it. Then get introduce to bigger things.

4 How you act under pressure

Pressure affects us differently. We can all have radically different experiences to pressure. Some of us can feel overwhelmed and shut down as a result of pressure; some of us can get visibly frustrated and angry; and some of us can put our heads in the sand and not want to deal with. Some people under pressure takes the things very lightly, they think they have confidence in themselves and will complete the job under pressure. Other people, if they have pressure of a deadline, work so far ahead of schedule to ensure the task will be completed before the deadline.

5 How you handle disappointment

This will give you insights into your personality. Suppose you are looking for a job in a company (which can be your dream company), but you get rejected, so you are bitter and upset. But after this, if your start disliking that company and work, they do and start telling people that I am glad that I did not get job in that company. But some other person after being rejected might takes thing positively, and start looking for other opportunities, that person in future might land a better job. Generally, it takes a level of training the mind to get to the point where one can handle disappointment.

6 How you walk.

Apparently walking fast is a sign that you are highly productive and logical individual. On the other hand, people who walk slowly are typically opposite. It is also said that if you walk with weight over your legs then, curiously, you are more interested in your social world than your career.

Waiting for your views on this blog.

Anil Malik

Mumbai, India

14th February 2023.


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