In continuation of my blog of 13th March 2025
Here are the balance 50 English Words:
51 Indigenous– Originating naturally, native.
52 Inept– Lacking skill or competence.
53 Inherent– Existing as a permanent characteristic.
54 Innovate– Introduce something new or original.
55 Intrepid– Fearless, adventurous.
56 Irrefutable– Impossible to deny or disprove.
57 Languid– Slow, relaxed, lacking energy.
58 Lethargic– Sluggish and inactive.
59 Malevolent– Wishing harm to others.
60 Misnomer-Inaccurate or inappropriate name.
61 Mollify– Soothe or calm someone’s anger.
62 Morose– Sullen and gloomy.
63 Nefarious– Wicked or criminal.
64 Oblivious– Unaware or unconscious.
65 Onerous– Burdensome, difficult.
66 Opulent– Rich and luxurious.
67 Panacea– A universal remedy or solution.
68 Paragon– Perfect example or model.
69 Paucity– Scarcity or shortage.
70 Penchant– String liking or inclination.
71 Perfunctory– Carried out with minimal effort.
72 Pervasive– Spreading widely through an area.
73 Placate– Soothe or pacify.
74 Plausible– Something reasonable or believable.
75 Proliferate– Increase rapidly in numbers.
76 Quintessential– Representing the perfect example.
77 Reclusive– Avoiding the company of others.
78 Refute– Prove to be false or incorrect.
79 Reprehensible– Deserving blame or condemnation.
80 Repudiate– Refuse to accept or associate with.
81 Retrospect– Review of past events.
82 Rudimentary– Basic or fundamental.
83 Salient– Most noticeable or important.
84 Sanguine– Optimistic or positive.
85 Specious– Superficially plausible but wrong.
86 Stoic– Unaffected by emotions or pain.
87 Substantiate– Provide evidence to support.
88 Succinct– Briefly and clearly expressed.
89 Surmise– Infer without complete evidence.
90 Temperate– Moderate, restrained.
91 Tenuous– Weak or slight.
92 Trivial– Unimportant or insignificant.
93 Vapid-offering nothing stimulating or challenging.
94 Verbose– Using too many words.
95 Vigilant– Watchful and alert.
96 Vilify– Speak or write negatively about.
97 Voracious– Having a very eager appetite.
98 Wary– Cautious and watchful.
99 Zephyr– Gentle breeze.
100 Zenith– Highest point, peak.
Waiting for your feedback on this blog.
Anil Malik
Mumbai, India
17th March 2025