Daily Happenings Blog

Gayatri Mantra

HINDUTVA, the oldest religion in the world, has given a valuable Hymn to the world in the form of  GAYATRI MANTRA. This is the only mantra, where every single word is packed with power. The Gayatri Mantra originated from the Rig Veda, the ancient Hindu scripture. A great sage Vishwamitra, son of King Gida, was given the Gayatri Mantra by the Supreme Being himself, as a reward for his deep penance and meditation. This, ultimately, has become a most precious gift to the entire human being.

It has been now, specifically also, proved that enchanting Gayatri Mantra produces 110,000 sound waves per second. The strength has been tested by one American Scientist Dr H Stein Grill, who collected various mantras, chanting and invocations of different religions, from all over the world, and tested their strength in Physiology Lab. The power of Gayatri Mantra was found to be the highest, making it most potent Hymn of the world. The combination of sound waves at this particular frequency of the Mantra is claimed to capable of developing specific spiritual potentialities.

The Gayatri Mantra was broadcasted daily for 15 minutes over Radio Surinam, South America for two years, and in Amsterdam, Holland for six months. The results confirm the findings this mantra has special spiritual powers.

The Chanting of Gayatri Mantra provides Material and Physical benefits and also produces subtle spiritual benefit. It has been specifically found the chanting of this mantra elevates a person’s mind and soul to a higher level. The vibrations, created by the chanting of this mantra directly works on the three chakras of the body-namely the third eye, throat, and crown chakras. These three chakras help in improving concentration as these are directly related to brain & penial gland, eyes, the pituitary glands and thyroid glands. As the brain is stimulated, it keeps the person calm and more focused, and thus relief from stress making him more resilient. The vibrations created while chanting this mantra, stimulate the penial gland which helps in release Endorphins and other relaxing hormones in the body that helps keep depression at bay.

Chanting of this mantra, significantly slow down a person’s breathing, which synchronises and regularise the heartbeats, helping the chanter in staying healthy by keeping his heart healthy. This mantra calms mind, the chanting starts from OUM. The enunciation of this sound creates vibrations through lips, tongue, palate, back of the throat and skull which results in releasing of the relaxing  hormones, causing extreme calmness to the mind.

Gayatri Mantra is ideally chanted three times a day, viz early morning, mid-afternoon and in the evening. As this mantra is directly associated with sun, the timings of chanting are directly related to the movement of sun. The full impact is achieved only when the mantra is enchanted clearly and correctly along with complete knowledge of the meaning of each word.

The original Gayatri Mantra is:


The overall meaning of the mantra is:

We mediate on the most adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose effulgence (divine light) illumines all realms (physical, mental & spiritual), May this divine light illuminate our intellect.

The detailed meaning of each word is given below:

  • OUM– the primeval sound; it is the supreme name of the GOD, is also known as Pranav mantra. It is also known as primary or Parama (beej Mantra) because it contains the seeds of all mantras within itself.
  • BHUR– the physical body/physical realm; It implies the existence of God it is internal and unchanging.
  • BHUVAH– the life force/the material realm consciousness of God.
  • SUVAH– the soul/spiritual realm
  • TAT– that (GOD)
  • SAVITUR– The Sun, creator (source of all life)
  • VARENYAM– adore
  • BHARGO– Effulgence (divine light)
  • DEVASYA– Supreme Lord
  • DHIMAHI– Mediate
  • DHIYO– the intellect
  • YO– May this light
  • NAH– Our
  • PRACHODAYAT– Illumine/inspire

The obvious and straightforward meaning of the mantra is that “ the divine and the holy ray of light that permeates all that exists, the significant and adorable sun as I mediate on your supreme and sovereign radiation, may you illuminate and brighten my intellect”

Regular chanting of this mantra provides the following benefits:

-Calms the unstable mind

-Improves concentration and learning

-Improves breathing pattern

-Keeps heart healthy

-Enhances nerves functioning

-Reduces stress and stress related damage

-Reduce depression

-Gives a glow to skin

-Makes strong

-Attracts positive energy

-Successful marriage relationship

-Brings prosperity and development in the day to day life

Every mantra has a combination of some beej aksharas (root words) in them, rendering te mantra sacred and powerful when chanted. They release a wave of energy into the body of the chanter. Gayatri Mantra has 24 syllables, making it the most powerful mantra in the universe. It is the only mantra that all all 24 of its constituent syllables as beej aksharas, the chanting of which releases a tremendous wave of energy and shields the devotee fro bad external influences.

Waiting for your feedback on this blog

Anil Malik

Mumbai, India

17th June 2024




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