Daily Happenings Blog

Quotes and Sentences

There are many QUOTES by well known personalities which are very beneficial in day to day life. Knowingly or unknowingly sometimes we follow and practice these quotes in our daily life. Here are some of the quotes, which are applicable and can be used in our daily life:

1 “ The hardest feeling people live with is the fear of what others think about them.” By David Icke.

2 “Beware of those who apologise quickly, they often do so to end the conversation, not because they truly mean it.” By Paulo Coelho

3 “Those who seek to control others are often those who can not control themselves.” By Marcus Aurelius.

4 “The only way to deal with this unjust world is to rebel against it.” By Albert Camus.

5 “Wisdom is knowing when to speak, and intelligence is knowing when to stay silent.” By Socrates

6 “A broken heart teaches you lessons that success never will.” By Khalil Gibran.

7 “Most people do not seek the truth, they generally seek reassurance.” By Carl Jung.

8 “The man who has nothing to loose is the man who can not be controlled.” By Fyodor Dostoevsky.

9 “A wise person never seeks revenge because life will handle better.” By Confucius.

10 “Be careful whom you trust, salt and sugar look alike.” A Japanese Proverb.

11 “The moment you stop chasing something is the moment you find it.” Bu Gautam Buddha.

12 “ An army of sheep led by a lion will defeat an army of lions led by sheep.”- An Arabic Proverb.

13 “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” By Martin Luther King Jr.

14 “The one who lives for others will be remembered far longer than one who lives only for himself.” By Leo Tolstoy.

15 “ The worst kind of loneliness is the one where people do not understand you.” By George Eliot.

16 “ To know how much someone values you, watch how they act when they no longer need you.” By Fredrich Nietzsche.

17 “When you stop comparing yourself to others, you become the beat version of yourself.” By Lao Tzu.

18 “ You will never influence the world by trying to fit into it.” By Unknown.

19 “ Be the reason someone believes in kindness.” By Unknown.

20 “ If something goes wrong, fix it. But train yourself not to worry- worrying never fixes anything.” By Ernest Hemingway.

Next is about SENTENCES, here are 15 sentences that should live in your brain, and they are also about how the life is to be lived.

1 Fear does not stop death, it stops life.

2 If it costs you your peace, it is too expensive.

3 People only see the decision you made, not the choices you had.

4 Never take criticism from someone you would not take advice from.

5 The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.

6 Ships are safe in the harbor, but that is not what they are built for.

7 Ambition without action turns into anxiety.

8 To live a life most people don’t, you must be willing to do what most people won’t.

9 You can do anything, but not everything, so focus.

10 If you want to make the wrong decision, ask everyone.

11 Those who don’t move won’t notice their chains.

12 It is okay to live a life most people don’t understand.

13 If someone could only see your actions and not hear your words, what would they say your priorities are?

14 You can’t have a new reality with an old mentality.

15 No risk, no story.

Waiting for your feedback on this blog.

Anil Malik

Mumbai, India

18th March 2025

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