Daily Happenings Blog

Sarkari Naukari

Millions scramble to get government jobs in India. Last year, for 60,000 UP police constable jobs, there were  48 lakh applicants—that is a selection ratio of 1.25%. For army jawans recruitment, the selection ratio is 3% to 4%.

Why, 30+ years after reforms, and in the world’s fastest-growing economy, is a ‘SARKARI NAUKARI’ so coveted?

First, let’s just get an idea of labour market in India (as per data available):

  • There are approx 972 million working age people (15-64 years in 2023).
  • 586 million Indians are employed (2023 data)
  • Organised sector (private+govt) jobs a2 152 million, are just 25% of total jobs.
  • And in this, govt (centre+state) jobs number 14 million. So 2 out of 100 jobs in India are sarkari.
  • Only our 1.4 of 100 working age could be sarkari jobs.

This is when Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) is 49.9%, or roughly half of 972 million working age people in India. LFPR is the proportion of working-age people who are available for work. It is clear, therefore, there are few govt jobs. But that by itself wouldn’t create a mad rush for these jobs. That can only be explained if, one, most non-govt jobs were unattractive and, two, govt jobs offered what most private sector jobs didn’t. Both are true.

Problem with most non-govt jobs– Regular private sector jobs with monthly salaries and benefits like paid leave are scarce. Even in cities and towns, just about 50% of jobs offer regular salaries. Of these, just 47% offer jobs with paid leave. Working conditions are even worse in 430 million+ jobs in unorganized sector jobs.

Attraction of govt jobs

  • Entry level govt salary for a low skill job is Rs 33k (plus benefits like HRA, DA, paid leave).
  • Entry level private sector salary for low skill job is around 10,000, often with no benefits.
  • Even low-skill govt jobs offer job security.
  • Most low-skill private sector jobs don’t offer jib security.

What will reduce the scramble of millions for a few govt jobs are lots of regular private sector jobs with some benefits for low, medium skill workers. But that’s not happening. Manufacturing, for example, employs just 35 million.

The reason why millions do not find private sector jobs attractive because of no job security. The answer to this could be- unemployment dole- a fixed, smallish payment for those looking for jobs or rendered jobless. India does not have this dole system. Western economies, post world war 2 recognised that capitalism will frequently create unemployment ans skills mismatch, and they found the answer in unemployment dole.

Experts have suggested some of these solutions

  • India must specialize in light manufacturing, which is more labour-intensive, and where workers don’t need to be highly skilled. Like textile industry of Bangladesh.
  • To radically improve quality of education, with special stress on technical education, and create a highly skilled workforce. The new education policy is right step in this direction.
  • A different idea is to focus on services. These jobs can vary from highly specialised, like medical or legal, to basic delivery person. The online shopping, food delivery apps have created lakhs of delivery jobs in the country.

Reality of govt jobs-Myths vs Facts

1 Myth- You will get lot of respect. Fact- You will get ego-massages from people who want something from you. Most people will give you positive regard to use you.

2 Myth- You will get a lot of power. Fact- You will get a lot of accountabilities. Although you will get legal powers to be exercised within the bounds of rules, laws, and precedence set by others before you, your actual powers will be determined by the  situation, the nature of your bosses and various other factors.

3 Myth- You will get a chance to change the system. Fact- The system will get a chance to change you. After entering the bureaucratic system, you will realize the enormity of the machine and your role as very small one in the larger scheme of things. You may become an important cog, but your decision-making power will seldom be absolute.

4 Myth- You will get job security. Fact- You will get  job security at a certain cost. The bureaucratic system of promotions and career planning is mostly fixed with batch-wise timely progression after every few years- this rules out rapid progression through the ranks as is possible in corporate sector. As the years roll by, the priority for most civil servants becomes to keep the job secure. This leads them towards a tendency to avoid taking risky decisions and toe the line.

However, India is changing fast, and the job of civil servant is too. It is becoming less suited for those who are attracted to power, prestige, and personal influence. Indeed it is privilege to be a part  of the govt machinery which is going to facilitate the transition from developing to developed country. In the end, it is not a privilege without caveats.

Many highly educated people are now opting for elite government services like IAS, IPS, IFS, and IRS to name a few. They enter the civil services after going through the entrance exams etc.

The earlier days of ‘Sarkari naukari Hai to Zindagi Mein Aaram Hai’ have gone.

And lastly the government is not in the business of creating jobs in their departments, they are in the business of smooth running of the country. In the end jobs have to be created in the non-govt sectors only, and the people should realize that millions of people can not be be accommodated in govt jobs. With automation and digitalization govt jobs are becoming less.

In the future majority of jobs will be available in manufacturing and service industries of private sectors.

Waiting for your feedback on this blog.

Anil Malik

Mumbai, India

3rd September 2024


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