Daily Happenings Blog

Sweat-Health Indicator

Friends, I found an interesting news item that said SWEAT could be your HEALTH INDICATOR while going through the newspaper. Yes, excessive sweating (or a significant change in sweating patterns) can be an indicator of potential health problems, as sweat can reveal information about your body’s functioning and can be affected by conditions like an overactive thyroid, anxiety, diabetes, heart issues, or infections. If you experience unusual sweating patterns, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Sweat is produced by glands in the deeper layer of skin, the dermis. Sweat glands occur all over the body, but are most numerous on the forehead, the armpits, the palms and the soles of the feet. Sweat is mainly water, but it also contains some salts. Its main function is to control body temperature. As the water in the sweat evaporates, the surface of the skin cools. An additional function of sweat is to help with gripping, by slightly moistening the palms.

Normal, healthy sweating is caused by hot temperatures, such as in summer, physical exercise, emotional stress, eating hot and spicy foods, and fever associated with illness.

Increased Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Excessive sweating is known as hyperhidrosis. Idiopathic hyperdrosis is the most common form, it is called idiopathic because no cause can be found for it. It can develop during childhood or later in life and can affect any part of the body, but the palms and soles or armpits are the most commonly affected areas. The excessive sweating may occur even during cool weather, but is worse during warm weather and when a person is under emotional stress.

Some known causes include

  • Obesity
  • Hormonal changes associated with menopause (hot flushes).
  • Illnesses associated with fever, such as infection or malaria.
  • An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).
  • Diabetes
  • Certain medications.

In most cases no investigations are required to diagnose hyperhidrosis. Occasionally, a blood test for thyroid disease is recommended.

Treatment for Excessive Sweating

It may include- weight reduction (if the person is overweight); topical application (applying prescribed substances to the skin); medical management; Iontophoresis ( the activity of sweat glands is reduced by passing electric current through the skin); Botox injections (to paralyse sweat glands-the effect from single injection lasts six to eight months); and surgery to the nerves that control sweat glands.

Self-help for Hyperhidrosis

  • Wear loose clothing.
  • Use antiperspirants that contain aluminium chloride and are designed for hyperhidrosis.

Reduced Sweating (Hypohidrosis)

If there is partial loss of sweating or if there is complete lack of sweating. This can occur for a number of reasons, which include

  • Some skin disorders.
  • Burns to skin that damage sweat glands.
  • Underactive thyroid.
  • Dehydration
  • Prolonged excessive heat or exercise during hot weather.

Lack of sweating may create problems of temperature control and lead to steep rises in body temperature during summer, this may be life threatening.

Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion

Heat stroke or sun stroke can occur in summer when enough sweat is not produced to keep body cool. Symptoms can include

  • Muscle cramps
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Excessive loss of body salts and water can lead to life-threatening complication known as heat exhaustion. Heat stroke can be managed, and heat exhaustion prevented, by seeking a cool, shaded place, drinking plenty of fluids and sponging the body with water, if necessary.

Recent developments include determining  your blood sugars with the help of sweat. Now there is a patch being manufactured called SMART PATCH, which is wearable device that uses non-invasive monitoring powered by grapheme technology. This technology is on the brink of commercialization. The benefits of sweat-based monitoring will eventually go beyond patients with chronic diseases. Athletes could use the technology to optimize performance and recovery. The elderly or those in remote areas could benefit from continuous health tracking without frequent clinic visits. By addressing barriers like discomfort, cost, and accessibility, this innovation could pave the way for more equitable and effective healthcare.

Waiting for your feedback/comments on this blog.

Anil Malik

Mumbai, India

29th January 2025


  1. Robert Clements

    Highly informative. Thanks Anil

    1. Anil Malik Post author

      Thanks Bobby

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