Friends, are you aware that in English language there are some phrases or sentence which can be substituted by a single word.
1 One who knows every thing- Omniscient
2 One who is present everywhere- Omnipresent
3 One who is all powerful- Omnipotent
4 One who can not read and write- Illiterate
5 One who acts against religion- Heretic
6 One who offers one’s services- Volunteer
7 One who loves mankind- Philanthropist
8 Love for mankind- Philanthropy
9 One who hates mankind- Misanthrope
10 One who is out to destroy the government- Anarchist
11 One who eats human flesh- Cannibal
12 Those who live at the same time– Contemporary
13 One who is more than hundred years old- Centenarian
14 One who is eighty years old- Octogenarian
15 One for whom the world is a home- Cosmopolitan
16 One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure- Stoic
17 One who is given to pleasures of the flesh- Epicure
18 One that lives on others- Parasite
19 One who is sympathetic to mankind- Humanitarian
20 One who walks on foot- Pedestrian
21 One who studies things of past- Antiquarian
22 One who is gifted with several talents- Versatile
23 One who does not drink alcohol- Teetotaler
24 One who is new to a profession- Novice
25 One who is habitual drunkard- Sot
26 One who settles in another country- Immigrant
27 One who knows many languages- Polyglot
28 One who carves in stone- Sculptor
29 One who cuts precious stones- Lapidary
30 One who deals in cattle- Drover
31 One who cures eye disease- Oculist
32 One who sells sweets and pastries- Confectioner
33 One who collects postage stamps- Philatelist
34 One who loads and unloads ships– Stevedore
35 One who compiles dictionary- Lexicographer
36 One who walks in one’s sleep- Somnambulist
37 One who has an irresistible tendency to steal- Kleptomaniac
38 One who breaks images or idols- Iconoclast
Above mentioned are examples of few substitutions for the phrase/sentence, there are many more words substitution in English language.
Waiting for your feedback on this blog.
Anil Malik
Mumbai, India
20th February 2025